first blog post on the new westopolis! yippee!! won't be a long entry this time because i've spent literally the whole day coding this page and i'm starting to get a bit tired of HTML for the day LOL

uhm... random life update... uni started again this week. it's been nice getting back into that sort of routine but my sleep schedule is still fucked from xmas holidays / refreshers and it's been difficult trying to fix it. it's even worse because i have 9am's 4 out of 5 days of the week .. i have to force myself to go to bed early >_< wish me luck

recently i've been playing fortnite with my younger cousins a lot. i love them so much. the eldest one (age 10) got a phone for xmas and has been messaging me pretty much every day to play which is really sweet. he's also become really into dragon ball recently which i fear i may be partially responsible for since i gifted him the fortnite goku skin... he liked db before but he's become noticably more obsessed with it since i did that... now every time we play battle royale together we go as goku and vegeta and power up whenever we get a kill LOL it's great

it's literally just this