i am SO SORRY for not posting here in a hot minute >_< uni has been busy both in terms of coursework and ... admittedly going out and getting drunk ......

first up. DRAGON BALL DAIMA. SUPER SAIYAN 4?!??! i know it's old news by now but i still can't believe it...!!!

i was cautiously optimitic about them introducing the form into the series when the first few episodes started airing so i was very very happy to see my hopes come true and my favourite form be included. i don't think i'd freaked out over an on-screen reveal that much since shadow's post-credit scene in sonic movie 2. as soon as the transformation sequence started i had to pause the episode and pace around my room a few times to try and calm myself down LMAO and it only got worse once i saw the tail

but daima 4ku is SO COOL!! and i really love the design even if i still prefer GT's ssj4 ... one thing that daima does that i really really like though is when they emphasise how "monkey"-ish the transformation is, like goku running on all fours or using his tail to swing on gomah's arm. it's so cute.

in other news I SAW MACHINE GIRL LIVE IN BRISTOL!!!!!! slightly late news since this was a couple of weeks ago but WOW omg it was fucking incredible!!

they actually played athoth a go go (the music for the home page here!!) and you know for the sake of this website i had to get a video. (pause the background music by clicking the button in the bottom left hand corner) (!!! FLASHING / STROBE LIGHTS WARNING !!!)

by the end of the concert i was COMPLETELY drenched in sweat (and beer) but it was so so worth it!! i lowkey got the shit beaten out of me too LMAO i was at the middle/front of the crowd the whole time. and i realised my arms are not strong enough for crowdsurfing ... at least everyone huddled together in the same spot when the lead singer threw himself off the stage so i didn't have to bear most of the weight LOL. (side note i have never been to a concert before where the actual musician gets so up close and personal to the crowd ... freaking awesome)

on the small chance anyone who checks out my website was there and still remembers i was the one wearing a shadow the hedgehog t-shirt! (ofc) ^_^ shoutout to the one guy who yelled "HOLY FUCK THAT IS AWESOME" when he saw it LMAO he's a real one